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Showing posts from May, 2017

Q & A: The Apology

Q & A for 'The apology' Short Answers: 1. Why does the poet apologise? The poet apologizes beccause he is wandering around aimlessly according to the on-lookers, while they are toiling hard to earn a living. 2. Who is he apologising to? The poet apologises to mankind in general and in particular he apologises to men who are working hard in the fields. 3. Do you think it is right on the part of the poet to be idling away when the people are at work? The poet is not idling away his time because his mission is to appreciate nature and her beauty and translate it into a poem. In doing so, he draws men's attention to the wonders of nature and thus evokes in them a reverence and awe to nature and most importantly to it's creator. 4. How does he justify his action? He justifies his action by pointing out that if everyone toiled away in a mundane manner there would be no one left to appreciate the beauty and the mystery of nature. 5. Which lines in the poe...

Q & A: Earth

Q & A for 'Earth' Short Answers: 1. What do the various physical features of the Earth reveal to the poet? The poet has discovered the earth’s dreamon the plains. He has admired her splendid presence on the mountains and observed her tranquillity in the valleys and touched her mysteries in the caves. 2. Why is the poet apologetic to the Earth? Pick out the lines that indicate this. The poet is apologetic because of the insensible wars that are waged. The earth is filled with skulls and bones of the dead and we pollute the earth with our wastes. The lines in the 3 rd stanza indicate that the poet is apologetic to the earth- “We pierce your bosom with swords and spears. We plant your fields with skulls and bones. We empty our wastes in your bosom,” 3. Why does the poet call the Earth merciful? The poet calls the Earth merciful because thogh we use the elements of the Earth to make weapons of destruction, the Earth in return gives us beautiful roses an...