Q & A for 'The apology' Short Answers: 1. Why does the poet apologise? The poet apologizes beccause he is wandering around aimlessly according to the on-lookers, while they are toiling hard to earn a living. 2. Who is he apologising to? The poet apologises to mankind in general and in particular he apologises to men who are working hard in the fields. 3. Do you think it is right on the part of the poet to be idling away when the people are at work? The poet is not idling away his time because his mission is to appreciate nature and her beauty and translate it into a poem. In doing so, he draws men's attention to the wonders of nature and thus evokes in them a reverence and awe to nature and most importantly to it's creator. 4. How does he justify his action? He justifies his action by pointing out that if everyone toiled away in a mundane manner there would be no one left to appreciate the beauty and the mystery of nature. 5. Which lines in the poe...
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